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The Dependent Independent Podcast

Apr 27, 2020

(Kinda) Episode 200

First, if this is the first time listening, you have a lot of podcasts to catch up on. To conclude a five-year-long podcast personal journal, I ask Sam Seitles (Pillars of Hammonton) to join me for a walk through of my most favorite and not so favorite show exoeriences. I share more of what was...

Apr 27, 2020

(Kinda) Episode 200

First, if this is the first time listening, you have a lot of podcasts to catch up on. To conclude a five-year-long podcast personal journal, I ask Sam Seitles (Pillars of Hammonton) to join me for a walk through of my most favorite and not so favorite show exoeriences. I share more of what was...

Feb 14, 2020

Eps 126 - I recently had an opportunity where the universe fed me an answer to a conundrum, encompassed in an email. In this episode I share how I discovered that a podcast client of mine was ready to move on and ironically, I think I was too. With a client's expectations changing, I had to realize that I had to get...

Jan 25, 2020

Eps 125 - There has been a ton of judgement out there on the news with this recent impeachment trial. It's easy to turn the news off but even without it, does the judgement stop? We are conditioned to pass judgement the moment we realize and fear that the world will figure out who we really are. Imperfect. In this brief...

Jan 19, 2020

Ep 124 - For a long time I understood that binging anything was a bad thing. Indulging a short period devoted to an activity to excess, whether it be eating or drinking, can be harmful if done on a frequent basis. But times have changed. The word "binge" has taken on a new meaning with the ridiculous amount of content...