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The Dependent Independent Podcast

Apr 18, 2019

(Originally published April 5th, 2018)

Eps. 81 - Nick G. invites Chris Galluccio from to dive deep into the brain of a successful solopreneur and see what makes him tick. Nick G. is about to take an even bigger step into the world of the side hustle and the fear of success has got him thinking...

Apr 11, 2019

MiniSode 106.5 - It's safe to say that we all want to win and we want the win as fast as possible. Our impatience gets the best of us and the pursuit of a quick win is spilling over to our kids, how we manage their activities and the sports they play. We are compelled to protect ourselves from the pain of losing and...

Apr 4, 2019

Eps. 106 - I was excited to have my wife Megan, host of the You Be You Podcast with Meg and Liv, to stay up late and discuss why bad words are such a big deal to people. Hear how the birth of cursing started, in different ways for both of us. We discuss how society norms (or not) make casual cursing tolerable and...