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The Dependent Independent Podcast

Sep 27, 2018

Eps. 95 - It's been some time since Nick had some in the studio and the routine had to change. Joined by local community blogger Jon Bradley, who's routine is to create one digestible community-related video every day. Jon recently completed his 100th video on his Jon Bradley YouTube channel. 

Sep 21, 2018

(Originally Published 2/9/16)

Nick G. pushes the concept of a MiniSode and connects with the TDI Subscribers with a story of a friendship that started long ago and the love of family that lasts through the highs and lows of this journey called living. One can't choose what happens in life, only to choose what to learn...

Sep 13, 2018

Nick G. is back this time, sans co-host, coming off an exhilarating third  time attending the Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference and after speaking a second time in the past three years, he's come back to share the path to confidence. Enjoy!

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Sep 6, 2018

In this last minute MiniSode, Nick G. continues to pull from the week-long Alaskan vacation with a lesson that came to him on a balcony of a cruise ship. Be selective on who you spend energy defending because there is only so many "f**ks" to go around. Spend them on the good ones. 

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Sep 1, 2018

Eps. 93 - Nick G. is back on the mic after a long vacation and August break, shot out of a "paradigm shift" cannon. In this episode, he gets all his listeners caught up on what they missed during HIS vacation to the Alaskan wilderness via a luxurious cruise ship. Getting disconnected from the world to realize deep down,...