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The Dependent Independent Podcast

Mar 28, 2019

MiniSode 105.5 - We are all watching and obsessed wth the time. Always waiting for a clock to hit the point that we ourselves have set as a deadline for things to finally matter. In this podcast, I challenge that. Clock or not, we all have the power to make something MATTER. We simply need to make a choice. Thanks...

Mar 21, 2019

Eps. 105 - In this episode, Sam Seitles, former pro-wrestler turned pre-school proprietor, tells his story where passion for simply doing something he enjoyed to do led him, step by step, to achieving happiness doing what he was meant to do. Sam and his wife are recent owners of R.E.A.D. Pre-School and Camp Tuscaloosa...

Mar 14, 2019

(Originally published April 24th, 2015)

Eps. 11 - In this episode, Nick G. and Dewey catch up to tackle the desires of fame, success, and fortune without losing their true selves. They contemplate what's to come when they actually "make it", whatever that means.


Mar 7, 2019

MiniSode 104.5 - When things are stressful, is it true that you actually make more things happen? I've been watching Grey's Anatomy with my daughter on Netflix (now we're binging Season 4!) and it seems if you want to get neck deep into tension, you gotta work at a hospital. There is always something happening at that...